Help lab envisions providing a platform for students to pursue their interests in robotics and promote unconventional methods of education in this highly competitive world. We are a group of highly ambitious and educated professionals who represent a diverse group of Engineering fields and enthusiasts from across the country. Our geographical diversity will help students to network different ideologies together enabling them a better research environment and develop new low-cost technologies and bring innovation. We believe that robotics, being a future technology plays an important role in the education industry acting as a catalyst to technical learning especially automation. Robots and robotics have been proven to be very effective education tool in the automation industry. In fact it is said that Robotics will follow the footsteps of computers becoming a part of grade school, high school and university level educational curricula across the industrialized world. Help labs with its strong technical team of dedicated professionals and research scholars with strong technical experience and dedication to the common vision can guide the young minds for future innovations.
Help lab aims to cater to the industrial and educational needs ranging from small automation problems to complex robotics. We aim to focus on School and college level education primarily and thus we are currently active in the field through organizing workshops and conferences with an aim to increase the technical know how of robotics among young minds.